
Our midweek groups are a great way to get stuck in at Exmouth Chapel, build relationships with others from the church family and listen to God speak as we study his word together. If you are interested please see below and contact us (simon@exmouthchapel.com).

It can be hard to stay connected if we only see each other on a Sunday, so Midweek helps us to keep being a church family during the week. There are also loads of other voices vying for our attention every day. Midweek gives us another opportunity to listen to God’s voice and to speak his words to each other.

Prayer Meeting

Our prayer meetings are usually held on the first Wednesday and the third Thursday of the month. They bring together the whole church family to pray together for God's work through his people.

House Groups

House Groups have a special role in the life and purpose of our church. Their aim is to help one another grow as disciples of the Lord Jesus. This means looking at God’s Word, praying, caring for one another and outreach.

House Groups generally meet on the second and fourth weeks of each month.

Ladies Get Together

The ladies meet every Tuesday at 1.50pm. Learn from the Bible, sing and enjoy a time of fellowship together over tea and cake.


Thursday@Chapel is a chance to get together for friendship, planned activities, games, coffee, cake and a short talk from the Bible. Second and Fourth Thursday mornings 10.00am – 11.30am during term time.

Contact the office for more information.